What Do You Need to Weed Out?

The air heated to ninety degrees as the sun’s bright rays bore down on the earth – the temperature much hotter than normal for spring weather in Seattle.

The couple’s group at our church had committed to several hours of yard work at the church that Saturday, and we decided to follow through, despite the uncomfortable conditions.

We all worked hard, but teased and laughed at how ridiculous it was for us to put ourselves in such a grueling situation.

While three men mowed the expansive lawn surrounding the building, the rest of us dug into dirt and pulled unsightly weeds living beneath trees, hedges, and shrubs.

Likewise…sometimes we need to weed out what potentially could overtake, strangle, or suffocate us.

Those things may be…

busy, unnecessary activities we engage in…

bad habits, addictions, toxic relationships…

pride, ego, selfishness…

You know what your list includes.

Similar to scorching summer afternoons, we may have to bear some heat when people don’t understand why we say no to things they’ve grown accustomed to us doing.

Be aware. Even though we may think we’ve thoroughly cleaned out those bothersome weeds, it doesn’t take much for them to sprout again.

When we dig deep to remove what hinders us from thriving – the work will be difficult. The roots may be embedded more than we think. We may feel some aches and pains. But, we don’t need to rely on our own strength. God is here to help us.

When we’re free of what threatens to take over the garden of our lives, we’re able to grow strong and beautiful. We might even grow tall enough to offer a bit of shade to those who need shelter.


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