Hold On or Let Go?

My husband thinks I have too many clothes in my closet.

Actually, I have clothes in two closets. I explain the total is an accumulation of clothes worn in winter, spring, summer, and fall. And those seasonal categories are also broken down into professional, casual, and get-down-and-dirty.

He still doesn’t buy into the fact that I need and wear most of what I have. After all, when it comes to clothing, men can survive with so much less and still look great.

But, occasionally I wonder if I am holding on to things I shouldn’t.

When is it right to hold on? When is it right to let go?

Sometimes we humans get things so turned around. There’s a tongue twisting verse in the Bible that pretty much sums it up.

Romans 7:15 says, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” (NIV)

My oldest daughter and her husband are soon moving from Seattle to New York. It’s a bittersweet thing for our family. The move is providing wonderful opportunities for both of them. They’ve dreamed of experiencing life in the city they’ve fallen in love with, and now that dream is coming true. I’m excited for them. I’m also sad. I’m going to miss having them near. I’ve always been able to be there when needed. But my daughter is 27, and very capable of taking care of herself – not to mention her husband is very protective. I have no justifiable reason to worry. This time it’s the right thing to let go . . .

It’s not easy letting go of what/who we love.
It can even be a difficult accomplishment when it comes to what causes harm.

What do you need to let go of?


What do you need to hold on to?

A dream?

This week think about what you need to set free.

And also search your heart and discover what's life-giving.
And then hold on with all your strength.


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