While I'm Waiting

Waiting . . .

Aren't we always waiting for something?

We wait for cool and refreshing autumn breezes to give us relief from hot, sweltering summer days.

During cold and dreary winters, we can't wait for bright and warm spring afternoons.

We wait nine months for a babe to emerge from a mother’s womb.

We can’t wait to grow old enough to be in school.

Then we can’t wait to grow old enough to be out of school.

We wait some more . . .

I recently returned from the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) conference where I had the privilege to once again sing on the worship team.

One of the favorite songs for the week was “While I’m Waiting,” by John Waller. The song speaks of waiting for God to answer our prayers - and continuing to serve and worship God – trusting that He’ll answer.

Listen to the song . . .

You can imagine the power of such a song for hundreds of writers who have been working hard toward getting their first—or next—contract. Some writers get their first book published, but many more spend years growing in their craft. They write and rewrite, and then start over. Some, but not all, eventually find their dream of publication coming true.

But doesn’t everyone have a dream—or a wish—they hope and pray God will fulfill?

Don’t you?

Perhaps it’s the job that will better fit your talents or passion.

Maybe you’re asking God to help you find your soul mate.

You could be praying for God to bring a child into your family.

Or give you wisdom in loving your rebellious teenager.

God knows our hearts. He hears our cries. And He will answer.

But it will be in His time. Not ours.

Let’s trust that God knows best and continue to serve and worship Him while we wait.


In the Most Unlikely Places

I recently visited my daughter in Brooklyn and took this photo while on a walk. The building stands in an area along the water, just across from New York City.

We both stood and looked at this unusual situation. How could vegetation grow in such a small space, feet above the ground, in less than a handful of dirt?

God’s creation is miraculous in how it can even thrive in an imperfect environment.

We’re part of that creation, too. And we’re called to spread the good news about God’s love to people who may not want to hear it—who can’t hear it—or who are afraid to hear it.

Try talking to someone about a God they believe doesn’t exist, has let them down, or couldn’t possibly love them. It isn’t easy. The situation is less than perfect.

Are there times when you want to give up because your words don’t seem to make a difference?

* Possibly a co-worker who you’ve tried to befriend makes fun of Christians.

* Maybe your teenager tunes you out and refuses to go to church.

* Or perhaps your spouse is making it difficult to maintain a home with values.

I’m a firm believer that before sharing my faith, it's important that I first show that I care about the person. Showing is more important than telling. I believe developing relationships opens doors to discussions and offers opportunities to build credibility.

I also believe that regardless of how adamant a person is that this whole God thing is not for him/her, that somewhere in their heart of hearts is a little patch of soil. It may not be much, but it’s enough for a small seed to be planted. And with patience, love, and tender care that seed can grow in what may seem to be even the most unlikely places.

Don’t give up.

Be patient.

And keep spreading those tiny seeds . . .

One day a garden may grow.


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