The Gift of Touch

I’m a very feely, touchy kind of person. I need and enjoy touch.

The funny thing is, I didn’t grow up in a home where hugging or other physical expressions of caring were present. I knew my parents loved me, but touching just wasn’t part of my childhood experience.

But, while raising my daughters, I lavished them with hugs and constantly expressed my love with touch. As adults, they still crave and need it for their emotional well-being. We hug when we first see other and when we go our separate ways. My youngest, at 23, still enjoys laying her head in my lap so I can brush her hair or rub her back while she falls asleep.

It’s not unusual for me to hug or place my hand on someone’s shoulder to show friendship, connection, or offer comfort.

Science and research has proven that we need touch…

Biological – It’s known that babies will die if they don’t receive touch. Studies on infants and children link touch directly to healthy physical development. And in people of all ages, it reduces stress.

– What better way to communicate than through touch?

Psychological - It provides reassurance and comfort, and aids in the development of self-identity and self-esteem.

Social - The ability to trust others, and understand the needs of others, is directly related to touching.

Of course, not everyone is comfortable with touching or being touched. It may take a little practice to get used to it. And certainly not all of it is appropriate.

But, if you’re able to offer a pat on the shoulder or a gentle hand on the arm, it can be a gift. Touch provides solace, safety, tenderness, and soothing.

Jesus, while on earth, healed the sick and raised the dead with His touch. I wonder what it will be like to experience the touch of Jesus.

On the day I join Him in heaven, I’ll find out.
How awesome is that going to be? I can’t wait.


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