Remember Dreaming About Christmas Possibilities?

As children, my brother and I couldn’t wait for the Sears Christmas Wish catalog to arrive. My sister was too young to care, but he and I would spend hours looking through pages of toys. Then we’d make a list of everything we found enticing. Of course he was into trucks and G.I.Joe. I drooled over beautiful dolls with long hair and gorgeous clothes. 

Some of my favorite Christmas gifts over the years—a crib for my dolls, an Easy Bake Oven (by the way, they still make them), and a bike. We wrote letters to Santa Claus until we got a bit older. Then the list was handed over to our parents so they would know what our hearts desired.

But now I realize that we really didn’t expect to get everything we’d checked off on those catalog pages. Looking back, we got a great deal of enjoyment out of dreaming about what we might find under the tree.

So dear friends, my hope for all of us is that we could embrace that same excitement we experienced as children and allow ourselves to dream.

As my husband frequently reminds me when I stand too firm in reality . . . it could happen!

What have you wished for and received at Christmas?


1 comment:

  1. After dog-earring several pages, I literally slept with the Sears catalogue.


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