Why You Can Expect God to Honor Your Dreams

As a mother, I’ve always wanted my daughters dreams to be fulfilled, whether they involved a role in a play, a spot on the cheerleading squad, or finding husbands who would love, cherish, and honor them. I’ve listened, encouraged, celebrated, and even cried with them.

Then my grandson came along. Sure, I knew I’d love him. But when that little munchkin was placed in my arms, I experienced an indescribable love and an overwhelming desire for him to laugh, love, and grow into the person God wants him to be. I want so much for that little boy. I want the very best that life on earth has to offer—and I yearn for him to make a difference for the kingdom of God. I also want to be a part of his growing and discovering who he will become as a man. I strive to be the kind of grandparent who not only mentors, but learns and enjoys life along with him.

Now my other daughter is expecting her first child, and I’m excited for the same things for him or her!

Our heavenly Father also wants the best for us! Don’t think for one second that he doesn’t celebrate our victories or feel our disappointment when we fail.

But just like a parent, there are times when he has to say, wait. You’re not ready. Trust me. Give it more time.

God knows and understands our dreams. After all, he placed them in our hearts!

“Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you.” (Jeremiah 1:5 The Message)

That doesn’t mean the end result—the fruition of our dreams—will look exactly like we envisioned. Our stories might take an unexpected twist. The endings might look a little different, but possibly even better than we anticipated.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! (Eph 3:20 The Message)

You may not be able to relate to being a parent or a grandparent. You may not have been blessed with family members who have been in your corner, cheering you on. But perhaps you’ve had a teacher, youth worker, pastor, or friend who’s believed in you. God has placed those people in your life. They’re small examples of how he feels about you.

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4 NIV). Do your part and word hard. Then trust him to open doors at the right times.

Has there been a time when you’ve seen God open doors for you? Have you ever felt his presence cheering you on to success or comforting you after a failure?


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