The Scent of Christmas

Isn’t it wonderful to have the sense of smell?

It creates memories and connects us to places, events, special occasions.

I love the scents of Christmas...


Bayberry candles.

Cookies baking.

Turkey roasting in the oven.

Logs burning in the fireplace.

Fresh evergreen branches on the mantel.

Apple cider – with cinnamon sticks – simmering on the stove.

The whiff of hot chocolate and melting marshmallows as you bring the cup to your lips.

The ability to smell is a gift that keeps giving…and giving…
Don’t we have an awesome and creative God?

What other scents connect you to Christmas?


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:46 PM

    garland.. its the certain smell you get when you open the christmas box each year.. lovely.


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